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IEMA: Environment Bill Offers Opportunity to Put Sustainability at the Heart of the Economy


Parliament needs to turn a good Bill into one that’s world-leading.

IEMA welcomes the Government’s reintroduction of the Environment Bill into Parliament today. The Bill offers an opportunity to put sustainability at the heart of the UK’s economic model and catalyse the process of restoring our natural environment and tackling the climate crisis.

Commenting on the Environment Bill’s reintroduction to Parliament, IEMA’s Chief Policy Advisor Martin Baxter said:

“The Environment Bill has the potential to enable all parts of society and the economy to make significant contributions to improving the natural environment and tacking the climate crisis. Parliament must take the opportunity to turn a good Bill into one that’s world-leading and we will work with MPs and peers to help Government achieve its global leadership ambition and unlock significant private sector investment.”

The full news release can be viewed via the IEMA website


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