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IES: The Climate Crisis - what are we striving for?


This year's environmental screening series explored the subject of climate change, presented through a film screening in Leicester, London and Glasgow to show the documentary An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. Each screening preceded a panel debate where invited professionals discussed the scientific evidence of the changing climate, explored various mitigation and adaption approaches, and engaged participants in a conversation on how we can effectively fight the climate crisis. In this blog, our Events Lead, Rhianna Jarvis, reflects on some of the key themes that emerged from these discussions and how we can evoke positive action.

Climate change is fast becoming the definitive topic of the 21st century. The UK Government is making significant commitments to become carbon neutral by 2050 and achieve their ‘net zero’ targets by ending the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040, furthering their commitment to the Paris Agreement. 

It is evident that global concern for a climate emergency is on the increase. We are seeing a rise in climate activism and public discourse, with growing support emerging for global environmental action such as the School Strike for Climate youth movement and Extinction Rebellion (XR). 

The full news release can be viewed via the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES) website.


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